A short update

A short update

Dear Refugee Roads community,

A lot has happened since we last posted here. Out of 80 hours film material, our editors produced a first rough cut of the pilot episode of our documentary. We have also teamed up with co-producers, musicians, and visual artists to make the most of our footage. One exciting part of the project that you will hear more about is our multi-media online platform which we plan to launch before the end of the year: we will upload extended interviews and other resourceful footage on our website, which couldn’t be included in the documentary. This gives us time to really zoom in on certain stories in the documentary but also provides you with the chance to follow up on other important issues.

While we have been busy with the post-production, the stories we will report have continued to develop. The infamous camp in Calais was closed by the authorities. Refugees all over Europe have gone through another harsh winter. Volunteers and NGO’s that we encountered continue to provide for their basic needs daily. And the border fences in Hungary and FYROM are still standing strong.

Since we are in the last stages of producing the pilot episode of our documentary, you can expect to hear more updates and background information from us in the coming months. We expect the pilot episode to be finished, if all goes as planned, in mid-April. Big thanks again to all our supporters from our crowdfunding campaign who made this possible!

If you want to hear more about the project and our current progress, you can also listen to the radio interview (in English) together with the German broadcasting station Deutsche Welle. It is scheduled for this Thursday (03.03.2017) as part of their ‘Inside Europe’ program and can be found in their online media library afterwards. We will make sure to post the link here as well.

Warm greetings from the editor’s room,

Refugee Roads

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