‘Europamagazin’ about Refugee Roads
Hello there! The report from the ARD* aired yesterday and we hope that you enjoyed watching it as much as we did. We are very happy that through this clip we can provide you with an insight into what happened in the days that the film crew was with us.
However, this piece only covers eight days of our journey along the Balkan Route, namely the part from the south of Serbia until the Greek border with FYROM. Refugee Roads, however, took 71 days in total, meaning that we have a lot more stories and experiences to share with you. These are currently stored on our hard drives. In order to reach our goal and to produce a full documentary out of this material, we need your help. Please check out our Crowdfunding campaign for more information!
In case you missed the report, watch it right here and now!
*The ARD is the Consortium of public broadcasters in Germany and the world’s largest public broadcaster network. Their regional members operate 54 radio stations and seven regional TV networks. A part of their programme is Das Erste, which serves as the first German national television channel. The segment about Refugee Roads was shot for the weekly broadcast of ‘Europamagazin’.
To be continued…