Refugee Roads goes ARD!
[Day 48]
Firstly, we are happy to share with you that a film team of the German TV Broadcaster ARD has been following us along parts of our route in Serbia and Macedonia during the past few days. Together we went to the refugee camp in Presevo (Serbia) as well as Tabanovce (Macedonia), with the former being the most organized and well prepared camp site we have explored thus far. This was followed by an interview with Ljubinka Brasnarska from the UNHCR office in Skopje. The ARD is putting together a report about Refugee Roads for their TV format “Europamagazin”. The film team will meet us again around the Macedonian/Greek border and follow us for another three days during our visits to a number of refugee camps and other structures. Fascinating how a brief encounter with their film crew in Brussels back in mid-June has resulted in this development!
We will keep you posted about when/where you can watch the report.
Secondly, we are now about to leave Skopje heading further south in order to meet two humanitarians who have worked tirelessly for the protection and safety of refugees passing through Macedonia. We encourage you to have a read about Lence Zdravkin and watch the video about Gabriela Andreevska on Al Jazeera. We look forward to meeting with them soon!
To be continued…