The Bikes are Home – The Road Continues
Yes we know, it has been more quite than usual around here. We have simply been busy with other segments of Refugee Roads and thus were unable to update our blog. But first things first: THE TRIP IS OVER! Together with our bikes, our equipment, and a huge collection of stories we touched ground in Germany on Tuesday, August 16. After meeting so many interesting people while travelling across Europe by train and bike – over 3500 km in 71 days – the three-hour flight back home, which covered almost the same distance, made us wonder about how many valuable encounters we missed on all of our previous journeys on airplanes.
The last two weeks we have not only spent with our families and friends but we also organised many exciting things that are to come. First, we are currently working to provide you with a first visual impression in form of a teaser very soon. Second, we were invited to a studio tour in Brussels to get a sneak preview of the upcoming ARD report about Refugee Roads. Third, Florian went to the Johannes-Kepler-Gymnasium in Garbsen, Germany to give a presentation about his experiences. The students that he visited are currently preparing to write their final research paper about the topic of migration. As you know, the main goal of Refugee Roads is to spread awareness about the daily reality of those still stuck on the Balkan Route and to multiply the lessons that we learned thus far. Therefore, we were very grateful to start doing so only three days after having returned home.
And last but not least we have been preparing two blog posts about Frontex and about our time in Athens. They are already on the publishing agenda for September.
A sincere thank you for all the support that we received so far from all of you.
To be continued…
P.S. Yes, the countdown which was usually to be found on the top of every post is gone. Since our physical journey is over we stopped to count days. The work ahead will not be measurable in such but just as rewarding. So stay tuned!